Friday, December 20, 2013

Prepare the Way of the Lord

Sermon December  8 2013 Prepare the Way of the Lord
Isaiah 11:1-10
Isaiah sings a  song of peace, telling the story of Israel’s promised restoration.  Jut as a tree that has been cut down can grow again, so a “shoot” or “branch” (V.11) will grow following the exile
One will emerge who will later be called God’s Messiah.  He will be everything that a king is supposed to be, and righteousness and justice will prevail.  The weak will be safe, and no one will need to be afraid.  It may be difficult to imagine the beasts of the animal kingdom living in harmony with one another.  It is even harder to envision a world of nations of peace.  But through the eyes of faith, Isaiah is able to perceive that ultimate reality.
Psalm 72: 1-7, 18-19 UMH 795
Psalm 72 is simply a prayer for the king, concluding with a blessing to God.
Pslam 72 does more than simply offer support and blessing to the existing authorities, however. The particulars of the prayer also hold the governing authorities to account; what is prayed for the king clearly indicates what the king’s power is to be used for.  Justice, righteousness, prosperity, and peace are to be the hallmarks of good government.
According to the universal witness of the Hebrew Bible ( and in keeping with ancient Near Easter ideals of kingship), the king was primarily responsible for rightly administering justice, particularly for those persons who had no one else to stand for them:  the widow; the orphan, and the stranger.
Romans 15:4-13
In this passage, Paul describes the transformation that results from the new life in Christ.  The coming of Jesus is the fulfillment of the hope that was promised to the patriarchs and foretold by the prophet Isaiah.
Those who recognize that Christ is the fulfillment of the promises of God are to live in harmony with one another, both Jews (the circumcised) and Gentiles.  Each group is to welcome the other, while accepting and respecting each others differences.  Christ, who has welcomed us, is our model. His coming fills us with Joy and peace so that we are enabled to live lives filled with hope.
Matthew 3:1-12
Warning Lights! We have all experienced them.  Warning Ink is Low.  Warning Fuel is Low. Warning Oil pressure is down. Door is open.
What do we do with these warnings?  Usually just ignore them? If you ignore your ink warning you will be printing something and before you finish a blank page comes out of the printer.
Ignore the fuel sign and keep driving and you will be walking to get gas.
The point is we are given a warning for a reason.
John the Baptist was warning people out in the wilderness that they must repent because Jesus the Messiah was coming.  “Prepare the way for the Lord….make his paths straight.
We who live on the other side of John’s proclamation understand that he was urging people to prepare their minds and hearts for Jesus, the one whose coming to the world changed everything.  A few people listened, but most ignored this strange man who ate weird food and dressed in a rather unusual fashion.
After all you ignore warning lights and get along for a while.
What about eternity? Preachers in the past used to warn folks that the time is near for Jesus to come. Only those looking for Him are now warning people.  This preacher has been proclaiming this for a long time.
We all need to change at times.  1) if you don’t change your study habits you will flunk. 2) if you don’t change your priorities, your marriage will fail.  3) if you don’t kick that habit, you will ruin your health.
Preacher I have plenty of time!. No need to change now. Some are downright resistant.
Do you know how many church members it takes to change a light bulb?  CHANGE? My grandmother donated that light bulb!!!!!
Preachers sometimes do lay on a lot of guilt.  But that’s our job. We are to sound the cry. AWAKE to righteousness.  Nowhere in the bible does it say I’m ok you’re OK.
The scriptures teach me that while God meets us where we are, He does not leave us where we are. Our whole life is a  journey of opportunity to do better to be better. Warning lights come on all the time and those remind us that we should repent and get back on track.
Yes, I know it is uncomfortable coming in here and listen to the preacher point out where you have failed God. Reminders. Warning Lights if you will.  You see I am accountable  for the sheep God has placed in my care. Life is not a joke or a game.
The warning light is on.  The time is come. Today is the day of salvation.  Prepare the way of the Lord.
You know how long it takes to plan a wedding.  Especially those that have just experienced that say back in the summer? Everything has to be  just right.
The church is the bride of Christ and we are to be preparing on this end for the bride groom. He has gone to prepare our mansions and make ready the wedding feast.
Our duty is to make ready and be prepared like a bride.
John 3:29  The bride belongs only to the bridegroom.
John’s descrptions of the future (in the book of Revelation) steals your breath. His depiction of the final battle is graphic.  God clashes with evil.  The sacred encounters the sinful.
The pages howl with the shrieks of dragons and smolder with the coals of firy pits.
But in the midst of the battlefield there is a rose.  John describes it in chapter 21:
I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.
In this final mountaintop encounter,  God pulls back the curtain and allows the warrior to peek into the homeland.  When given the task of writing down what he sees, John choses the most beautiful compassion earth has to off.  The Holy City, John says, is like a “bride beautifully dressed for her husband.”
Are you ready?  Just like the African-American spiritual says:  I want to be ready to walk in Jerusalem just like John.

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