Monday, December 2, 2013

The Israel Connection - Dr. David Jeremiah

November 29, 2013  The Israel Connection

On May 14, 1948, God made good on His promise to Israel of her restoration to the Promised Land, Incredible as it sounds, the existence of Israel today is the number one evidence for the fact that Bible Prophecy will be fulfilled literally.

According to biblical prophecy, Israel's rebirth as a nation sets in motion the rest of all of the End-Time prophecies.  Israel's national revival was a necessary prerequisite to the final act of human history. 

So why Israel, and what is the connection to her place in the heart of God?

 In The Israel Connection, Dr. David Jeremiah goes to the scriptures and uncovers the mystery of the importance of the Jewish people.

This DVD will lead you through:

The Biblical Record of Israel's Land
God's choice of Israel
God's Covenant with Israel
The Scattering and suffering of the Jewish People
The relocation and rebirth of the nation of Israel
The Return to the God of Israel
Israel's Bible Connection to Prophecy.

Considering that future events cast their shadow before them, we can see what is happening with Israel as we read today's headlines.  Understand the connection of today's Israel to biblical prophecy, and come to a whole new understanding that the Lord Jesus' return is soon.

You may borrow this DVD by contacting the Pastor.

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