Thursday, July 5, 2012

A note from Pastor Cleve

Wow! what a blast coming into a community with so many celebrations and fireworks.  I thought I was in a war zone last night but what fun it was to see people enjoying fireworks in such a tizzy all over town.

I John 3:1,2   Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God....Beloved, now are we the sons of God....

Romans 8:14, 16-17  For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God...The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs, heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ...

During all of the celebrations from last weekend and this July 4th we feel that we are part of a great big family already.

I have met with those that do the bulletins for both Belt and Highwood and we have made some minor adjustments, so minor you will hardly notice. I was in contact with the publisher of the Highwood newsletter and was able to put in my July newletter article that I had written ahead of time.  We are going to try to continue with that effort which will be a "Preview" summary of the lectionary text for the month. In the Belt bulletin on the back we are going to try to put it in on a weekly basis and in the Highwood newsletter we put in the entire month. I might even try to post it here on the blog if there is enough response. But, I know everyone does not use the computer and that is the reason for posting it in all areas. We want to be in contact with everyone during the month as much as possible.  As Children of God and led by the Spirit we will begin to feel more and more a part of the family of God in the Belt and Highwood communities.

We are continuing to make progress on our unpacking and hiding boxes :-) and things are coming along nicely. We have most all of the electronic medias connected. If only I could find my Kindle with 75 theological books downloaded on it I think we could say we have arrived. Its got to be in a box I have not opened marked "Important".

Remember that everyone is invited to drop by the parsonage in Belt. I posted a couple of rough signs in the garage that leads to the office. If you can't find me just call the house phone or cell phone and I will lead you down to the office.

We are looking forward to preaching Sunday so invite your family and neighbors to come hear this guy that speaks with a Southern accent. I have been accused of being Larry the Cable Guy but I am quick to respond that it would be like Larry the Cable Guy that got saved and cleaned up his mouth.  You would hear me saying  Praise the Lord, Glory to God or Hallelujiah.

Blessings to all of you....
Pastor Cleve

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