Friday, July 20, 2012

When you Pray
Chorus)At the close of the day,when you kneel to pray, Will you remember me?

I need help every day, this is whyI pray, will you remember me?

Verse1. When you pray will youpray for me, For I need His love and His care,

When you pray will you pray forme, Will you whisper my name in your prayer?

(Chorus)At the close of the day,when you kneel to pray, Will you remember me?

I need help every day, this is whyI pray, will you remember me?

Verse 2. When I pray I will prayfor you, For you need His love and His care,

When I pray I will pray for you,I will whisper your name in my prayer.

Preview of This Sunday’s Scripture Texts

Scriptures: 2 Samuel 7:1-14a; Psalm 89:20-37; Ephesians 2:11-22; Mark 6:30-34, 53-56.  True kingship and lineage come through shepherding love and by bringing enemies together in friendship and kinship, not by keeping them under our feet. The peace Jesus brought, the peace attest to in both Mark and Ephesians, is not accomplished by force of arms or family lineage, but by the love of a shepherd and by the reconciliation of enemies.  The peace that David brought through force of arms could not stand- despite God’s assurances that David’s line would last forever. Perhaps God realized that the peace Israel hoped for by vanquishing its enemies was no real peace.

Words of Assurance –Ephesians 2

In Christ, we are members of the household of God.  In Christ, we become a holy temple, a dwelling place for the Lord of hosts.  In Christ, we find true forgiveness.

Passing the Peace (Mark 6)

Like the people who walked with Jesus, we are like sheep without a shepherd. WE need a shepherd to guide us and give us rest.

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